May 19, 2018
Today was my eighth day plastering since school got out May 5th. My camera disappeared when I was in Seattle and my iPad memory is full! my photo documentation is minimal.
I've been applying earthen plaster (sand, clay, cow dung, chopped straw and a bit of lime putty), and waiting for wet cooler weather to start lime stucco and IT CAME TODAY! Fresco over south windows!
BELOW: Far right, raw cob wall. Middle of photo is earthen stucco scratched for some texture, far left is lime stucco that will calcify bright white.
I've been applying earthen plaster (sand, clay, cow dung, chopped straw and a bit of lime putty), and waiting for wet cooler weather to start lime stucco and IT CAME TODAY! Fresco over south windows!
BELOW: Far right, raw cob wall. Middle of photo is earthen stucco scratched for some texture, far left is lime stucco that will calcify bright white.
Late August 2018
Below: As I stuccoed the north side, I was surprised to feel so sad to see the warm earthen walls disappearing under the lime stucco which, though it is highly protective, felt so different than the cob I'd grown accustomed to.
So I decided to leave a "truth window" and designed a motif which shows the raw cob at the bottom with the tan color showing the under-stucco of natural plaster. To me it ended up looking kind of like a turtle which suited me just fine.
So I decided to leave a "truth window" and designed a motif which shows the raw cob at the bottom with the tan color showing the under-stucco of natural plaster. To me it ended up looking kind of like a turtle which suited me just fine.
Above: The first layer over cob is earthen stucco. You can see some of it in the light tan of the motif which is:
6.5 parts sifted sand/using a tupperware bowl to measure
3 parts creamy pottery clay (very sticky)
1 small handful of chopped straw
1/2 scoop fresh wet cow manure
about 1/4 - 1/3 cup lime putty
Final layer, lime stucco (wear eye & hand protection when mixing):
2 part sifted sand to 1 part lime putty
Nopal cactus juice.
I use a cut off vitamin bottle to measure and make each batch with six measures of sand to 3 putty. To this I add about 3/4 Tbsp. nopal.
6.5 parts sifted sand/using a tupperware bowl to measure
3 parts creamy pottery clay (very sticky)
1 small handful of chopped straw
1/2 scoop fresh wet cow manure
about 1/4 - 1/3 cup lime putty
Final layer, lime stucco (wear eye & hand protection when mixing):
2 part sifted sand to 1 part lime putty
Nopal cactus juice.
I use a cut off vitamin bottle to measure and make each batch with six measures of sand to 3 putty. To this I add about 3/4 Tbsp. nopal.
Rocket stove:
My son has an excellent scientific mind and has been doing the work for the rocket stove. He built a model in town and fired it up. Construction has begun on site.